Data products made from real-word experience
We've been doing analytics for quite some time, so we've run into our fair share of challenges. We decided to make products to meet the needs we and our co-workers have been experiencing for a while.
Google Analytics Add-Ons
Specific adds we've made to give GA even more power. We've developed a product to automate the process of storing and accessing raw data in BigQuery. And we have another add-on to manage your implementation with a web-based solutions design requirements document (SDR).
SQL-ready, hit-level data ready to be queried
Web-based SDR to manage custom dimensions, metrics, parameter cardinality, event health, and more
Custom Lead Scoring
We're built an online portal for you to build an entirely custom lead scoring model for your sales team. The process takes 5-10 minutes, after that you can start to score leads in realtime.
Build a lead scoring model based on your own conversion data, or use our base model for even quicker deployment
Access scores via API or upload a sheet of your leads to our online portal
Call Transcription & Analysis
Give us your calls and we'll transcribe them for you. In addition to this, we'll run some ML models to help you understand what's happening on calls.
Send us a singular call and we'll return back a transcription of the entire call plus a report giving you insight into topics covered, tone of voice, and sentiment throughout the call
Give us a collection of calls and you'll be able to analyze them in bulk with our online platform. You can also hook into our system integration to have all new calls transcribed and analyzed in a matter of minutes
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