Case Studies

Our work results speak for themselves

KOBA Insurance

Building a Custom Reporting Platform

KOBA Insurance is Australia's first car insurance company to introduce a pay-as-you-drive model to the Australian market. Being a start-up, KOBA had the need for an analytics platform that could scale with the company, but also not break the bank. Illumination Labs was tasked with building and deploying a completely custom business intelligence/reporting platform to cut long-term costs as much as possible.
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KOBA Insurance

Building an Analytics Infrastructure From Sctratch

KOBA Insurance is Australia's first car insurance company to introduce a pay-as-you-drive model to the Australian market. Based in Melbourne, the start-up has been data driven since day 1, primarily due to the heavy reliance on trip-tracking for the insurance product to work properly. Illumination labs has been with KOBA Insurance since the beginning, helping them plan and build a scalable analytics infrastructure.
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